What causes hair loss?

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What causes hair loss?

Hair loss is cause by two main factors:

1. Scarring alopecia 

Type of hair loss. Which hair follicle cell permanently destroye, making. It impossible for new hair cells to be produced. Causes of scarring alopecia include:

    • Chronic inflammatory skin diseases caused by autoimmune disorders such as DLE or Lichen planopilaris (LPP)
    • Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is a scarring hair loss condition that causes scalp inflammation, redness, flaking, and destruction of hair follicles, leading to baldness. It is more common in women than in men.
    • Bacterial infection
    • Scalp and hair follicle disease (Dissecting cellulitis /Dissecting folliculitis)
    • Folliculitis decalcification is a disease cause by an abnormal response of the body to the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.
    • Tuberculosis, Syphilis
    • Viral infections such as herpes zoster and herpes simplex
    • Fungal infections of the scalp, such as Tinea capitis
    • Some chemicals are corrosive to the scalp, such as substances that are highly acidic or alkaline.
    • Appendage tumor of the scalp

2. Non-scaring alopecia 

Type of hair loss in which the hair root cell not permanently destroyed, resulting in hair loss in circular or oval patches with clear edges. It is cause by:

    • Genetics (Androgenic alopecia)
    • Alopecia areata : is a hair loss condition cause by an autoimmune disease.
    • Telogen effluvium is a condition in which hair loss occurs rapidly over a short period of time. It is cause by certain diseases such as thyroid disease, hyperthyroidism, anemia, thalassemia, and HIV.
    • Postpartum
    • Illness, such as a high fever or post-surgery, that can cause temporary hair loss.
    • Side effects of some medications
    • Rapid weight loss
    • Anagen effluvium-induced hair loss, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy
    • Infections, such as scalp fungus
    • Certain medications that may cause side effects include medications used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, gout, heart disease, high blood pressure, or birth control pills.
    • Aging causes the body’s production of hormones to decrease.
    • (Stress) Stress or exposure to เล่นบาคาร่า UFABET เว็บตรง ค่าคอมสูง traumatic events that can affect the mind causes the body to produce cortisol, a stress hormone that causes hair loss and thinning.
    • Certain behaviors (Behaviors) such as unconscious hair pulling (Trichotillomania)
    • Hair is pulled too tightly with curlers, ponytails and head-to-head braids.
    • Nutritional deficiencies, such as iron or protein.

What are the symptoms of hair loss?

  1. Gradual thinning on top of head : The most common hair loss that occurs with age. It is the cause of male-pattern baldness.
  2. Circular or patchy bald spots : Hair loss occurs in circular patches on the scalp.
  3. Sudden loosening of hair : Hair loss caused by shock that affects the body and mind, causing a large amount of hair to fall out while combing, washing or even pulling the hair gently.
  4. Full body hair loss  : Hair loss caused by certain diseases or medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can cause hair loss on the entire head and body.
  5. Hair loss in patches and flaky scalp : May cause by fungus, ringworm, or tinea versicolor.